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B'nai Mitzvah Requirements

  • Congregants must be in good standing with all dues and fees current.
  • Students are required to be enrolled in Religious School (including the year of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service) and maintain 70% attendance.
  • Students are required to complete an individualized program of learning and to perform social action activities in conjunction with the Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
  • Students and families are asked to complete the requirements as spelled out in the Mitzvah Journal (which you will receive at the Family B’nai Mitzvah Class)
  • Students and families are asked to work within the structure of the Brit B’nai Mitzvah, which is received and signed at the 12 Month Meeting with your officiating Rabbi.

If you have further questions about these requirements, please contact Rabbi Phyllis Sommer.

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785