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Virtual Gatherings 8.27.20

08/27/2020 02:07:32 PM



Here's Rabbi Steve's two minute take on the weekly Torah portion. Read more about Ki Teitzei.

MAZEL TOV Miles Pinsky, child of Nina Merel and Brian Pinsky, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, August 29.


Find service times, program information, social action opportunities, music playlists, technology info and more at our High Holy Days Headquarters.

We are looking for volunteers to pre-assemble items that will be included in a High Holy Days kit for our members. This is a mitzvah project that can be done from home! Sign up here.

Two of our Elul social action opportunities kick off next week! We are collecting computers for Chicago-area students in need, and we are collecting Jewel and Target gift cards for SHALVA's domestic abuse clients. Click here for more information

We continue to pack brown bag lunches for clients at Connections for the Homeless. Interested in helping out? Please contact Alyssa Latala.


Once again, we join together with Glencoe Public Safety to honor and remember the victims of 9/11. Please join us at the Am Shalom flag pole on Lincoln Avenue at 7:45am on Thursday, September 11. The service will be broadcast via Zoom as well.


Please take a moment to renew your membership; you may renew online, or fill out and mail back/drop off the printed commitment form. We recognize that the pandemic has impacted our community in every way, and want to reiterate that no one will ever be denied membership because of an inability to meet the standard dues commitment. If your financial situation has changed, or if you would like to confirm a continued dues assistance plan for the coming year, please contact Zoe Sherman at 224.805.9400 or

For Youth information, please click here.

"Almost Daily" Minyan Thursday, August 27 at 5:45pm

Elul Breathing & Meditation with Avery Whitmore

Friday, August 28 at 8:30am
Shabbat Service Friday,
August 28 at 6:30pm
Join us via livestream or Facebook
Shabbat Morning Service & Torah Study Minyan Saturday,
August 29 at 9:00am
Or join us for the service via livestream or Facebook

NEW! Elul Music Meditation with Kara Bershad (harp)

ZOOM in with Music at Am Shalom for music in preparation for the High Holy Days.

Monday, August 31 at 12:30pm
"Almost Daily" Minyan Monday,
August 31 at 5:45pm

"Almost Daily" Minyan Tuesday,
September 1 at 5:45pm

NEW! am shalOM: Walking & Meditation Session

Join our clergy for an easy guided walking meditation through some beautiful trails. We start the series at Heller Nature Center.

Tuesday, September 1 at 6:30pm  Register
"Almost Daily" Minyan Wednesday,
September 2 at 5:45pm
"Almost Daily" Minyan Thursday,
September 3 at 5:45pm

*Need help connecting to Am Shalom's Livestream or Zoom calls? 
Please contact Alyssa Latala at or 847.606.5168.

*Would you like a hard copy of Mishkan T'filah Prayer Book or Torah Commentary? Please fill out this form.

You can find a digital Mishkan T'filah prayer book here. It is also on our livestream page, along with a link to this week's yahrzeit listClick here for the weekly Torah portion. Our complete Zoom and livestream schedule, along with instructions for joining the gatherings, can be found here.


We are here for you. You'll find the cell phone numbers for our staff below. We've also created a non-emergency contact form on our website, if you'd like to reach us that way. 

If this crisis has caused you economic hardship, and you'd like to talk about your Am Shalom membership commitment, please contact Zoe Sherman at or 224-805-9400.

Rabbi Steven Stark Lowenstein - 847-630-6108
Rabbi Phyllis Sommer - 224-619-6807
Rabbi Pam Mandel - 561-886-8186
Cantor Andrea Rae Markowicz - 917-841-8385
Cantor Julie Staple - 317-418-4644
Laura Horn, Director of Operations - 847-772-8822
Alyssa Latala, Director of Engagement - 847-606-5168
Zoe Sherman, Director of Financial Management - 224-805-9400

Sun, February 23 2025 25 Sh'vat 5785