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Multi-Access Gatherings: Yom Kippur, Sukkot and more

09/29/2021 09:47:33 AM



Watch Rabbi Steve's two minute take on Haazinu. Read more about this week's Torah portion.

MAZEL TOV... Benjamin Stone, child of Julia Watkins and Scott Stone, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 18. Dylan Gradman, child of Laura and Steven Gradman, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 18. Sunney Robbins, child of Joanna and Chad Robbins, on becoming a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, September 18. Samuel Rapoport, child of Jennifer and Boris Rapoport, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 18.


High Holy Days information, including the full schedule of services, livestream links, and digital prayer books, can be found on our website here. Find recordings of services and sermons here.

As we do every year, Am Shalom will collect non-perishable food and hygiene items for The ARK. Donations can be brought to the storage shed in our north parking lot. The shed will be there through the High Holy Days. Please click here for a list of the items most urgently needed. Prefer to make a monetary donation? Click here.


Are you ready to shake your lulav? Join us for the Erev Sukkot Service on Monday, September 20 at 6:00pm, then grab a frozen pizza to go! Please bring a pair of mittens to help decorate the Sukkah; they will be donated after the holiday. Register to attend in person, or join us via livestream or Facebook.

Our Sukkot Festival Service will be held on Tuesday, September 21 at 9:00am at the Glencoe Community Garden (385 Old Green Bay Road).


Kol Nidre Early Service Wednesday,
September 15 at 6:00pm
- Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Kol Nidre Late Service Wednesday, September 15 at 8:30pm - Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Tots in the Tent Yom Kippur Service Thursday, September 16 at 9:00am - Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Yom Kippur Congregational Service Thursday, September 16 at 10:00am - Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Yom Kippur Outdoor Service Thursday, September 16 at 12:30pm - Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Yom Kippur Personal Meditation Thursday, September 16 at 2:00pm Social Hall
*Please note change of venue
Step Up Yom Kippur Service Thursday, September 16 at 2:30pm - Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Afternoon, Healing, Yizkor & N'ilah Service Thursday, September 16 at 4:00pm - Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Quit Loafing Around: Curbside Challah Pick-up Friday, September 17
Am Shalom Circle Drive
Multi-Access Shabbat Service Friday, September 17 at 6:30pm Register to attend in-person
- Join us via livestream or Facebook
Multi-Access Shabbat Morning Service & Torah Study Minyan Saturday, September 18 at 9:00am Register to attend in-person
- Join us via
- Tune in via livestream or Facebook
Fanchon Simons' Feeding the Hungry Sunday, September 19 at 8:30am Register
First Day of Religious School!

Sunday, September 19 9:30am (K-6)
11:30am (7-10)

Am Shalom!
Erev Sukkot Service (...and pizza to go!) Monday, September 20 at 6:00pm

- Register to attend in-person
- Join us via livestream or Facebook

Sukkot Festival Service Tuesday, September 21 at 9:00am Glencoe Community Garden

You can find a digital Mishkan T'filah prayer book here. It is also on our livestream page, along with a link to this week's yahrzeit listClick here for the weekly Torah portion. Our complete Zoom and livestream schedule, along with instructions for joining the gatherings, can be found here.


What’s your Jewish legacy? Learn more about Am Shalom’s endowment, and the many ways to support our beloved synagogue now and for generations to come. Through the Create a Jewish Legacy program, there are many ways to make a meaningful gift that will provide a steady and potentially growing stream of funding. For more information, please click here and/or contact: Zoe Sherman, Director of Financial Management - 847.835.4800, Randi Brill, Am Shalom President –, or Steve Doblin, Chair, Create a Jewish Legacy Committee and Am Shalom President Elect –


Click here to support Am Shalom when you shop on Amazon. When you shop, always start at to make sure a portion of your purchase is donated to Am Shalom. There is no cost to you, and you can even shop Amazon Smile from the app (here are the instructions for that). These every day purchases can really add up - thank you!


If you would like to be notified via email when there is a death in the congregation, please contact Gia Master at

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Sh'vat 5785