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JMHS Concert: The Extraordinary Life of DOÑA GRAÇIA NASÍ

Sunday, April 6, 2025 8 Nisan 5785

4:00 PM - 5:30 PMSanctuary

The Passover Haggadah teaches that in every generation we must see ourselves as if we personally came out of Egypt. Through the remarkable life story of Doña Graçia Nasi, who the famous poet Saadia Longo said “grew a name like the name of the holy greats” and was known as the “heart of her people,” Cantor Andrea Rae Markowicz along with Koleinu and Kol Zimrah Jewish Community Singers will share this 16th century Jewish woman’s journey through song from the narrow places of The Spanish Inquisition to freedom and ultimately the Land of Israel.

Must register to attend in person.

The JEWISH MUSIC HERITAGE SERIES (JMHS) is an initiative of Music at Am Shalom that helps to expose and explore the ever-evolving modes of worship and musical expression within the Jewish experience, and features Koleinu, the Am Shalom adult choir. This year’s series celebrates women’s voices as 2025 marks 50 years of women in the cantorate.




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