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ADL Teen & College Student Training Session

Thursday, June 13, 2024 7 Sivan 5784

7:00 PM - 8:30 PMCrown Room and Library

ADL Midwest will be at Am Shalom to deliver a special training to upper high school and college students on understanding and addressing anti-Zionism. The 90-minute training will go over the following: the definition of Zionism/Anti-Zionism, when criticism of Israel becomes antisemitic, common scenarios and responding to Israel-based antisemitism, and talking points to counter anti-Israel accusations. While that training is taking place, a Midwest staff member will be presenting to interested parents about the rise of antisemitism at K-12 schools and college campuses and how to respond as their students return to school in the fall.     

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Tue, February 4 2025 6 Sh'vat 5785