Livestream Troubleshooting
Livestream Troubleshooting
We’re sorry you’re having trouble viewing our live stream. Here are a few things to try that might help.
On a computer
- Try a different web browser. We recommend Google Chrome or Firefox; other browsers are Internet Explorer and Safari.
- Clear your browser’s cache. This process is different for different browsers and computers. Let us know what you’re using and we can walk you through this.
- Try a lower bitrate or switching to audio only. Click the menu button at the top right corner when the feed is live to manually adjust to a lower bitrate or switch to audio only.
- Streaming works best on a fast broadband internet connection, such as cable, fiber, T1, and FiOS. Dial-up, ISDN, and DSL connections are not fast enough for live streaming.
- Check your antivirus or security software: sometimes they can interfere with streaming. Let us know which software you have installed and we may be able to help you.
- Pause any security scans or software updates your computer may be doing in the background while trying to stream.
- Shut down other programs and close other web pages. Streaming uses a lot of your computer’s resources and running other applications and programs at the same time may slow your computer down and interfere with the live stream.
On a cell phone or tablet
You can watch our live stream in the browser of all modern cell phones and tablets, including iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. Make sure you are connected to WiFi or LTE in order to ensure a fast enough internet connection.
Thanks to our friends at Central Synagogue for compiling this list.
Sun, March 30 2025
1 Nisan 5785
Tuesday ,
AprApril 1 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Leviticus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Apr 1st 1:00p to 2:00p
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Drop-In
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 3:15p to 4:15p
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Hebrew School
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 4:15p to 6:00p
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Volunteer Opportunity: Northern Illinois Food Bank
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 5:30p to 7:30p
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Koleinu Rehearsal
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 6:00p to 9:00p
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Colliding Dreams: How Does the Reality of Zionism Meet the Ideal (11th & 12th Grade Seminar)
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 6:15p to 7:30p
Your student may join us for 1, 2, or all 3 sessions as we consider how an ideal of Zionism impacts our view of a real Zionism. This course will help students be conversant with people who they encounter who are anti-Zionist. Includes dinner! -
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Intro to Judaism
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 7:00p to 8:30p
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 2025Koleinu Rehearsal
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 7:30p to 9:00p
Thursday ,
AprApril 3 , 2025Am Shalom Makers: Spring Centerpiece Workshop
Thursday, Apr 3rd 10:00a to 12:00p
Thursday ,
AprApril 3 , 2025Board Meeting In Person
Thursday, Apr 3rd 6:00p to 8:30p

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